Fire, Oil and the Price of Ignorance

…and the story of a woman scorned Disaster in the city…again. Same script, new players, same villain. Something happened yesterday; a fire in a Nairobi slum killed tens of people in the span of a few hours. Media houses were in shock, as was the rest of the country, and they ended up showing extremely …

The Bar Stool

Carrier of man’s problems, pervasive and persuasive A place of peace in the midst of insanity and noise For a breather where none exists To wallow in life’s problems and listen to one’s own conscience To plan and pan, to feel alive To stare at the barman Or at the one woman who will serve …

Kahawa Sukari & the Second Random Walk

Another random walk. Another blank page. Clean and fed now, it all seems like a blur, becoming clearer as the words flow out 😉 Unlike last time, today was driven purely by the spirit of adventure. I was minding my own business (read surfing over 15 tabs at more or less the same time) when …

A Little Girl Pinched Me Today

Walking in the streets today, something weird happened Two weird things happened A little girl, two little girls Walked up to me as I hurried away They each held on to one of my hands And prayed that I give them a coin I looked around, and saw Them. The mother’s menacing look Like a …

Four Mobile Cons Made In Kenya: and How to Beat them

When the eldest of my sisters decided to move out at 23, she was exhilarated. She was going to move to a house in Eastleigh (Back then, pirate cash had not quadrupled its population), or more correctly, a room. She had found the house on an ad in the papers, and when she left to …

Kahawa Wendani and the Random Walk

Dusty. Tired, hungry and in the dark. That is Kahawa Wendani and I right now. Since my bachelor pad is less than a minutes walk from Thika Road, I tend to exist without really exploring my neighborhood but today, the universe conspired against me. Bogged down with writing contracts, deadlines and no inspiration at all, …

I killed Myself Today

I stood at the cliff and looked at the setting sun. I hurled myself to the hull and let the wind guide my flight. I drove off the cliff with everything I had. I stood at the brink of life and death, and held mine in my hands. I drove the dagger of pain through …

Movie Review-Paul the Alien

If you have not watched this movie yet, you should look for a cliff and throw yourself off of it, or hit your head on the wall until you do. Considering that Hollywood releases thousands of movies a year, and by the time they get to Kenya, they are in their tens of thousands because …

Guide 101 to Mating Rabbits

There’s a new craze in town, bunnies! Chatting about a business venture with a friend of mine the other day, he happened to mention that he is in the process of setting hatches and getting into the rabbit business (no, no, not the Hugh Heffner kind, the more furry, less Blondie, more animal-like kind). Rumor …