M. Author

In McMillan’s Underbelly: The Quest for Kenya’s History

This piece was originally published on the Medium Blog here.  I hadn’t planned to spend my entire afternoon like this. At least not at first. I was in town, with a few hours to kill and I knew exactly what I wanted to do with them. I always know, but I never get round to …

Driving into the Sunset: A Story of Second Chances

I was 15 when I next saw her. I was a young teenager with at least three prominent pimples on his skinny face at any one time. A mass of hormones and confusion.  She came to visit on a cold Saturday morning, typical of the month of June in the Kijabe escarpment; a time when …

Why Newspapers Have to Register at the GPO

The registration is a remnant of a time when there were preferential postal rates on newspapers as long as they were in a newspaper wrapper and registered with the GPO as a newspaper. It actually precedes the Kenyan state and survives today as a relic of her colonial history

The South African Soldiers who did a Death Dance on a Sinking WarShip

Here on Too Late for Worms, we are always on the hunt for ballsy people. You dont have to be a man to have balls; you just have to kick death, tyranny or utter bullshit in the testicles to qualify. Death will always win so you do not have to make it easy for the …

Why these 4 famous movies weren’t shot in Kenya

Just how bad is Kenyan corruption that Mugabe felt the need to convince his cronies not to sink to the lows of Kenya and Nigeria? That question has been lingering in our minds for a while now, driven in part by our ill-informed hubris that our corruption is not as bad as it seems at …

Why this Friday is Really good for Kenyan History

History pundits, knowledge junkies, archaeology enthusiasts, everyone! Get your knickers in a knot already! Christmas is here, early! The National Museums of Kenya wants you to enjoy the facilities under its care for free this Friday. 

We Are Moving the Worms and the Bananas

Every once in a while when I can get off my lazy ass and finish the tens and tonnes of research snippets I have strewn all over, we sit by the camp fire and exchange stories of yore.

7 Kenyan Wild Animals that Became Global Celebrities

Animals can be celebrities too, all the while dressed in nothing but fur or a hide. There’s nothing like turning up on the red carpet with nothing but scales. 

7 Most Badass Soldiers in the East Africa Campaigns

Badass has a face. One man taunted his enemy, the other was so badass no one thought he had survived a last stand. Another outlived his sides surrender, and then told Hitler to "go fuck himself." Even badass has a name, badass was in East Africa for the two World Wars.