crime Tag Archive

The Three-Year Bank Heist

It started like all scams do, with a hook. From there it just escalated for three straight years, losing the bank $242 million in what is considered the third largest bank heist in history.

Crime in a time of Money and Power

Why do powerful people get away with crime?

7 Most Brutal African Serial Killers

Human society has always had psychopaths, and Africa has been no exception to the seeming rise of serial murders. Some remain unsolved, their perpetrators walking among an unsuspecting population. The most terrifying thing is that two of the members of this list used the guise of job interviews to trick their would-be victims, with one …

Disaster? Cue the Looting, This is Kenya

When I saw images of Abdul Hajj, I automatically knew he was not a Kenyan cop. There was something about him that told of affluence, a man who gyms in a proper facility and eats well.

A Good Kenyan is these: A Suggested Checklist

A few weeks ago, in an online discussion about the forgotten, neglected, unnecessary history of the Mau Mau, a very good Kenyan was kind enough to correct my oversight by telling me “twitpic a photo of your PhD in History so we can believe you.”

Hate speech on Social Media: A Case of Misplaced Locus of Responsibility

Social media only features on our daily plate of bad places to hate on each other because it is sexy.

7 Most Elaborate Cons ever pulled off in Kenya by Foreigners

The great gonzo journalist Hunter S Thompson once said, “In a closed society where everybody’s guilty, the only crime is getting caught.In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity.” Wanjiku, the taxpayer who watches soap operas every evening and takes the 9 O’clock news for truth, expects elected leaders and the media …

No Country for Skinny People, and Stories of Stolen Phones

Once I regained my composure, I realized that there is nothing like the moment you realise something you value is gone. You have to make a life decision-do you scream, react, slap someone, ask for a hug, run after the thug or just sit there trying to soak it all in, like I did? When …

Murder of the Innocents: Tracing Filicide in Kenya

A man walks into his home at the end of another long hard day at work.. He doesn’t know why he feels so on edge, or whether there is anything good left in his world. His five boys back at home, waiting to be fed.