In what is only the second book by a former Kenyan spy, Bart Kibati writes about the intrigues within Kenya and the Secret Branch during his 27 years there. Its an incomplete historical record even of the man, but its still an important read.
In December 1961, a ship flying the Cuban flag docked in Morocco. Over the next three decades, Cuba under Fidel Castro would become a major player in several revolutionary conflicts in Africa, especially in the liberation of Southern Africa.
Lucy Kibaki was many things, and one of the most important was violent and entitled. She saw herself as co-president, a role that gave her insurmountable powers to even engage in public acts of violence. One of her victims had to go on exile, and several ended up without jobs.
Nicholas Biwott, the Total Man, was also known as the "Bull of Auckland." Were his fellow legislators cheering him on or trying to publicly ridicule him?
Muthoni Nyanjiru rose to her feet, exasperated. She was done waiting. She was done hoping. She was out of chills to give. Today was her day to be badass. 94 years later, her courage remains one of the greatest acts of sacrifice to a Kenyan cause.
Before we left Turkana, we met someone. The image you have of a Turkana woman is wrong. She is skinny, yes, but she is gorgeous. You don’t need a camera to tell she is gorgeous. She has dark, flawless skin, and eyes with gorgeous, thick set eyes. She doesnt always wear her tribal garb, the …
A photograph freezes a moment in time. Even a bad photograph. It is one of the few forms of art that can tell stories without moving across lines upon lines of detail. Yet good photos have so much detail that the human eye instinctively takes in, and the brain understands and translates, that beauty is …
Although the only thing that still bears his name in Nairobi today is a public park, Alibhai Mulla Jeevanjee’s (AMJ) story is closely interwoven with the story of Nairobi’s beginnings. Jeevanjee was a businessman, politician, and philanthropist all packed into one stocky, curious, and illustrious immigrant who made Kenya his home.