#4 Redundancy is Good, Redundancy is Everything
Writer’s hate redundancy, and we actively edit our work to get rid of that scourge. But photographers love it! It gives them the chance to take as many shots as possible, and to be ready whenever a spontaneous moment presents itself.
Migz’s burden is a photographer’s backpack, complete with compartments for more batteries than he might need, numerous memory cards, the lights, flash units, lenses, and a host of other things.
Each shot submitted back to the client is just one in an average 20 taken for each scene, not counting the numerous test shots to balance lighting and the flash units.
#3 Good is never Good Enough, Know when to quit
A Perfect shot is never that, and one must learn when to quit. Searching for the perfect shot is a creative process much like writing, sometimes it just presents itself, sometimes you have to squeeze it out of its dungeon.

We spent 45 minutes on this scene but it didn’t work. The poles in the foreground were too much and the activity wasn’t…
#2 Photography is Art, Photographers are Crazy too
Amateur photographers like me with good cameras tend to blame our gadgets for our rare good shots. Professional photography though, is more dependent on the brain than on the camera. The brain is the most important equipment.
Migz’s Canon is a marvel, it has numerous options and facilities, and can be adjusted to walk on selfies of itself. Okay, not really. But you get the idea.
Staging a photograph is a work of pure art, a composing process of sorts. Your words are the models, and your camera the piano. If the keys are working then you don’t have to think about it. In fact, it shouldn’t matter. A good photographer will get good shots even with a shitty camera…
#1 Photography is Sacrifice, and lots of water
Have you ever seen a photograph so impossible that it had to be fake? One that makes you wonder where the photographer was positioned for the image to be so powerful?
Its all about dirt and getting wet, and flying, and doing whatever it takes to face your fears. When Migz is in his element, he focuses on his camera and the ‘music.’ He loses himself sometimes, completely, and will venture to stomach high waters to get that perfect shot. There was a hilarious moment when he fell into the water while getting off the sailing boat.
Owaahh©, 2013.
Last modified: February 3, 2020