mcmillan Search Results

In McMillan’s Underbelly: The Quest for Kenya’s History

This piece was originally published on the Medium Blog here.  I hadn’t planned to spend my entire afternoon like this. At least not at first. I was in town, with a few hours to kill and I knew exactly what I wanted to do with them. I always know, but I never get round to …

A Nairobi Pedestrian Goes to Archives

Stuck in Nairobi on a random Saturday waiting for her mum, Gloria Mari explores Kenya National Archives and meets Ferdinand.

7 Most Interesting But Obscure Kenyan Laws

There's only one building in Kenya protected by a specific law, although there was once a bridge too. Back when it was illegal to be broke and unemployed. You could still, then, get your own coat of arms for your banners.

The Rusinga Festival

There’s a young festival that takes place every December on Rusinga Island. A celebration of the Abasuba people and their culture, language and artefacts. It’s a cultural answer to the question “Can a people die?”

4 Most Random things Ever Done by Settlers in Kenya

History has a knack for leaving out randomness, frankly because it does not fit into the fabric of the sane society we purport ourselves to be.